The womanly figure was constructed through corsets and under garments and it has been said that this is the beautiful age full of luxurious clothes for a select few: the rich and the privileged.
This is a portrait of Elizabeth Wharton Drexel by Giovanni Boldini. She was an American author and this shows her in the typical dress of that era with an off the shoulder dress accentuating the S-curve silhouette, low bust and long gloves.

Towards the end of the 1900's, fashion houses changed the silhouette to a more fitted and higher waist and were often worn with huge hats.
This is a picture of the bonnet as worn in the early 20th Century.
Fashion from 1910 -1920
At the beginning of 1910, the styles in fashion were very similar to that at the end of 1900's. Quite elegant dress with high neckline and empire line with huge hats. The only change was that fur was beginning to come into style.
Fur muffs and stoles were important fashion accessories of this time period.

This is an illustration from Mc Calls that shows natural waistlines and full, shorter skirts. The necklines were still quite high at this time and the fashion still conservative. The hats were also a lot smaller towards the end of the decade.
These are pictures french fashions of this decade which indicate the end of the corset as a means to sculpt the woman form.
Fashion from 1920 -1930
The women's rights movement had a strong effect on women's fashion's and the confining corset was abandoned to conform to the ideals of a flatter chest and more boyish figure.
Evening Gown of 1926 featured simple lines and emphasis at the hips. More natural silhouette and hair is parted to one side and worn in soft curls.
This is typical evening dresses of this decade as hemlines rose and waistlines dropped. The corsets disappeared to reveal women's natural shape.
Fashion from 1930 - 1945
The war changed fashion forever as clothes were rationed and women began to wear trousers and most of the emphasis was on the shoulders as shoulder pads in both men and women's cloths were very fashionable.
Fashion at this time was more individual and people began to wear bright or patterned cloths to express their interests.
Actress Rita Hayworth in a pink evening gown by Howard Greer in 1941. The days of conservative dress were over and women embraced their sexuality as this dress has a split and shows off the cleavage.
Fashion from 1945 -1959
Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday in quite boyish dress with a fitted shirt, and trousers. However the large belt brings in her waist and adds femininity. The small neckerchief is typical of casual fashion.
Formal dress by Dior in 1954. You can start to see some of the older fashions coming out in this with the wide full skirt and small waist and long gloves.
Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell wear halter top dresses at the theater. The hemlines are getting to knee length and the halter top shows more flesh than permitted in earlier decades.
Fashion in the 1960's
The hemlines went up even further as the second wave of feminism sweeped the nation. Bold colours and patterns worn to show individuality.
Mini dress shows off the legs and an era of fashion that gave women more freedom.
Fashion in the 1970's
The 1970's showed a continuation of the mini skirts and hippie look. Hot pants were a fashion craze for young women which were tight fitting and very short shorts. Trousers were very big in this decade also with wide leg flares and jeans. Fashion was becoming a way to express yourself.